Head West for your next Squash Game
Did it seem like we used to play more?
Remember when … we played ball with the kids, kicked a soccer ball with friends, played Frisbee on the field or beach?
It seems like Covid pushed us into solo activities – Peloton, home gyms, Anytime fitness. The pandemic stimulated ‘work from home’, which was more solitude. Too much Internet surfing, too many hours on Tik Tok or Facebook or online shopping. More solitude. More pounds (as in our weight went up). Pretty soon, a month, a quarter, or a year will have passed. Uggh.
As the great Storrow Drive Road Sign was modified to say – it’s time to reverse the curse.
Sport again!
Let’s play sports; let’s build skills, let’s have fun, and let’s socialize after!

Reverse the curse
Reverse the curse with Squash at SquashWest: Squash & SquashWest are different. Here’s how…
- It’s egalitarian; players from 6 to 86 play together; ability has little to do with gender, size, age. SquashWest has families with 3 generations playing!
- It’s simple; it takes a pair of shoes, goggles, a racquet, a ball, a partner, and an hour.
- It’s sport – it’s stunning how quickly the aerobic fitness comes back; how quickly ten pounds can be shed. Pickleball is recreation, Squash is a sport.
- It’s social; people that enjoy people enjoy squash.
- It’s community and diversity – Squash families hang out as families together; squash players thrive on camaraderie. SquashWest’s big open lounges and patios, and full member kitchen and grills inspire people to ‘stay’ and relax. Our beer and wine license doesn’t hurt when socializing.
- It’s fun to practice solo. Most squash skills can be practiced individually.
- It’s rewarding – it is not an easy sport to start but once one gets to a level, the progress and ability grows demonstratively.
- It’s a lifetime sport, people that play squash always return for more chapters of squash.

SQUASH – one of New England’s oldest and fastest growing sports
Squash is a preeminent sport in 2024
- Considered the most strategic sport by fitness journals.
- Gives the body and mind a great workout in 1 hour.
- Drives your heart rate up to the aerobic level easily.
- It works your core muscles very well.
Within a few matches, one learns what shots not to hit, and how to work a court advantage to a point.
Squash is easy to play!
Only a few things and you are good to go: a pair of court shoes, a racquet and ball, goggles, and a court reservation.
Squash is multi-generational!
Visit Squashwest and you will see: grandparents playing with grandchildren; mom’s playing with sons; fathers playing with daughters. husbands and wives facing off, best friends meeting up, and new friendships being made on the court.
Squash is a game that can be played at a competent level from ages 6 – 86.
It’s easy to find partners that play at your level. We have 250 adult members of varied ages and abilities that love to play with new people. We have a vibrant youth program as well. Our 5 singles courts and 1 international doubles court give us sizable capacity and flexible scheduling ability.
We accelerate new player skills with a great team of instructors and pros. Meet our team below or on the ‘Our Team’ page. Lessons, clinics, round robins, boxes, ladders; we have them all here.

Squashwest, formerly Concord Acton Squash.
It is a club where ‘everyone knows your name’.
With a Greater Boston-wide reputation of being the Squash Club with the best social atmosphere, you could say we ‘work hard’ at being social. Our ‘great room’, above courts 1-4, is our hangout area. Members can enjoy a cold beverage after a match, or join for regular social events.
And fitness…
Some of us need to lose the ‘Covid 15’. Squash will help this. We have modernized our fitness center with the latest gear focused on core/squash strength. It’s not too much – we don’t imagine that we are a large fitness club; but we think it is just right for us.
Come and visit, we would love to have you try us out.
- Call (978 897 2972) and chat with John or Gary.
- Join a pay-n-play model that enables you to register once (on-line) and pay for court usage as you desire.
- Become a member, our member rates are great value and come with unlimited use of the facilities.
A brief Covid statement: Since reopening in August 2021, Squashwest has done a lot to make our Club Covid-sensible, both in terms of process (cleanliness) and in terms of technology (Halo-LED Air purifiers; private key-less door entry that allow members to walk directly to and from courts from the parking lot). All employees and pros are vaxxed and boosted. We survived the 2 years without an outbreak (knock on wood), and we will be sensitive to new variants. We follow the Town of Acton public rules for Covid, which now allows for mask-free access in public areas.

Squashwest’s Team of Coaches is dedicated to
developing you into a fantastic Squash Player!
Click here to learn more about our team.