
We have modernized ‘everything fitness’. Our two fitness rooms have had a complete facelift, as the old carpets have been replaced with the latest E-Core athletic rubber flooring. Our walls have been painted and most importantly, our fitness equipment is new and current generation.

We do not try to offer a competitive alternative to Planet Fitness or Anytime Fitness. But we do offer really fine equipment and space that racquet players and their families enjoy. And we offer a quiet and relatively private workout opportunity.

One of the tenets of Squashwest is to offer full family memberships at $10/month more than individual memberships. We find that a Mom or Dad might enjoy the squash part of the club, and the teenagers come to lift; or a Mom joins to play squash, and the Dad is getting his aerobic exercise while Mom is on the court.

Come check us out!

Aerobic Opportunities

Precor Treadmill and Elliptical – We offer matching units for the low impact elliptical and the treadmill.  Jump on for your chosen amount of time as exercise or a standalone workout. 

Peloton Bike – Sign in on your account and get the workout you desire at the club, or sign on as a guest and enjoy a 20, 30, or 40 minute ride with the big screen going.  If you haven’t used a Peloton before, instructions are included on the wall.  It’s a lot of fun.

Assault Fitness Air Bike – Interested in a 5 minute to 10 minute bike warm up before a game or as part of a full body workout?  The Assault Fitness Air Bike is a popular bike that uses a fan wheel as resistance and requires pedaling with synchronized arm movement.

Concept Two Rower and SkiErg – Concept Two of Vermont is the very top brand in rowers and ski ergs.  Get a full body workout on either machine here at Squashwest.


Precor FTS glide –  The Precor FTS Glide functional trainer offers a weight tower with many full body workouts available. Members use it for all muscle groups from the shoulder and neck to the legs.

Rogue Power Rack – A great unit with built in safety features to enable either squats or bench press.

Free Weights and Benches  – We offer a full rack of free weights from 5 lbs to 60 lbs – as well as multiple benches, for individual workouts.

Mats, Bands, Medicine Balls – There is excellent space and equipment available for stretching and moving body weight.